Hello I am trying to convert the dates in this program into numeric, the program generates dates 12 months as of today. i want the result to look like the first column "date0" 20140731 however i want the date0 column along with every column that is generated to be numeric, is this possible?
%global year0 month0 days;
%let dt=%sysfunc(today());
%let year0=%sysfunc(year(&dt));
%let month0=%sysfunc(month(&dt),z2);
%let period=12;
%macro setlastday(m,y);
%if &m=12 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m=11 %then %let days=30;
%else %if &m=10 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m= 09 %then %let days=30;
%else %if &m= 08 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m= 07 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m= 06 %then %let days=30;
%else %if &m= 05 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m= 04 %then %let days=30;
%else %if &m= 03 %then %let days=31;
%else %if &m= 02 %then
%if %sysfunc(mod(&y,4))=0
%then %let days=29;
%else %let days=28;
%else %if &m= 1 %then %let days=31;
%macro setdate;
data TEST;
%do i=0 %to .
%global t&i /*ds&i*/;
call symput("t&i",date&i);
call symput("ds&i",
%let j=%eval(&i+1);
%if %eval(&&month&i)=1 %then
%let year&j=%eval(&&year&i-1);
%let month&j=12;
%let year&j=%eval(&&year&i);
%let month&j=%eval(&&month&i-1);
Macros don't have concept of character /numeric, so you just need to change this:
and remove the quotes to be 20140731 or whatever, as a numeric.
If you mean you want it to be a proper SAS date, you can use input
, if you really are attached to this convoluted process, or define it as a date constant ("DDMONYY"d
, so "31JUL2014"d
). Better would be to use SAS date functions in the first place.