I have bit field declared this way:
typedef struct morder {
unsigned int targetRegister : 3;
unsigned int targetMethodOfAddressing : 3;
unsigned int originRegister : 3;
unsigned int originMethodOfAddressing : 3;
unsigned int oCode : 4;
} bitset;
I also have int array, and I want to get int value from this array, that represents the actual value of this bit field (which is actually some kind of machine word that I have the parts of it, and I want the int representation of the whole word).
You can use a union:
typedef union bitsetConvertor {
bitset bs;
uint16_t i;
} bitsetConvertor;
bitsetConvertor convertor;
convertor.i = myInt;
bitset bs = convertor.bs;
Or you can use a cast:
bitset bs = *(bitset *)&myInt;
Or you can use an anonymous struct within a union:
typedef union morder {
struct {
unsigned int targetRegister : 3;
unsigned int targetMethodOfAddressing : 3;
unsigned int originRegister : 3;
unsigned int originMethodOfAddressing : 3;
unsigned int oCode : 4;
uint16_t intRepresentation;
} bitset;
bitset bs;
bs.intRepresentation = myInt;