I'm compiling a database library with proC which converts the .ppc library file to a .c file that gcc can use. However, I'm getting a lot of errors in proC like the following
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol
"__ attribute__ " when expecting one of
the `following`
, Encountered the symbol
"__builtin_va_list" when expecting one of
the `following`
The missing symbols are from a chain of standard includes like stdio.h and stdlib.h. How do I get around this issue?
The library I'm compiling came from an old solaris system that we're now upgrading (to a new solaris 10 system) and the header files don't seem to use these symbols. e.g. the newer .h files has
typedef __builtin_va_list va_list
while the old .h files has
typedef void* va_list
There are a lot of things like this so I'm reluctant to go and fix all of them manually with a typedef
Change PARSE
param in your $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
- it will use more relaxed C parsing so Pro*C don't bitch about C syntax it doesn't understand.