I'm trying to insert mathematical expressions into the titles of plots. I need to control the spacing within the mathematical expressions. For example, I'd like to show the expression "64/8 / 8" except with division signs instead of slashes. I need narrow spacing around the first division sign and broad spacing around the second. How can I do this?
Reproducible code:
# just produces uniform spacing:
plot( runif(10), runif(10) )
title( expression( 64 %/% 8 %/% 8 ) )
# returns an error
plot( runif(10), runif(10) )
title( expression( 64 %/% 8 ~ " " ~ %/% ~ " " 8 ) )
I second @MrFlick's comment above, but here is one way using phantom
title(expression(paste(64 %/% 8, phantom(0) %/% phantom(0), 8)))