I have the graph below I need to create two different x-axis. The unique part of this problem is where the min and max values need to be located. The range for is 0-100 for both, however the 100% value on the second x-axis needs to be where the 50% value is on the first. See the picture for clarification. The red is what I need to add using MATLAB.
I did a lot of looking and while it's very simple to put two different axis on one graph, I couldn't find a solution for this particular problem. I'd like this to be done in the code and not plot tools.
How about this
% dummy data
y = 1:80;
x1 = 100*sin( 4*pi*y/80 ).^2 ;
x2 = 100*cos( 5*pi*y/80).^2;
Plot the first line
line( x1, y, 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2 );
Get position and size of first plot
haxes1 = gca;
haxes1_pos = get(haxes1,'Position');
set the 100% of second plot to 50% of first ("tweaking" the width of the axis)
haxes1_pos(3) = haxes1_pos(3)/2;
haxes2 = axes('Position',haxes1_pos,'XAxisLocation','top','Color','none','XColor','r');
Plot the second line
line( x2, y, 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth',2,'Parent',haxes2);
And this is what you get