I have some data in the following format. With the use of regex I want to display only the first two tokens.
For example AB.JKL.MNO.XYZ => AB.JKL
Note: I am using AngularJS I can achieve this using Angularjs expression directly in the html but the html is a common template where other data is also being displayed I don't want to corrupt it. Therefore I want to apply regex on data in controller.
If you want to grab a <letters><dot><letters>
format, this regex will capture at the beginning:
Same thing, but at the end of your string:
I am not so familiar with angular, but from what I understand, you can create your own type of filters.
<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller="Main">
first token: {{name | firstToken}} </br>
last token: {{name | lastToken}}</br>
any Regex: {{name | regex:"[^.]+$"}}</br>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.filter('regex', function () {
return function (input, regex) {
if (!input) return '';
var matches = input.match(regex);
if (matches) return matches[0];
return "";
}).filter('firstToken', function () {
return function (input) {
if (!input) return '';
var matches = input.match(/([^.]+.[^.]+)/);
if (matches) return matches[0];
return "";
function Main($scope) {
$scope.name = 'AB.JKL.MNO.XYZ';
Have fun, play with it: http://jsfiddle.net/lcoderre/WfuAh/97/