I'm trying to read from two tables in mysql:
Dim sqlcom As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select * from mother, father where IDNO= '" & TextBox14.Text & "' ", sqlcon)
-But I get this error:
Column 'IDNO' in where clause is ambiguous
Here is the whole code:
Dim NoAcc As String
Dim NoAccmod2 As String
Dim NoPas As String
Dim sqlcon As New MySqlConnection("Server=localhost; Database=school;Uid=root;Pwd=nitoryolai123$%^;")
Dim sqlcom As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select * from mother, father where IDNO= '" & TextBox14.Text & "' ", sqlcon)
Dim rdr As MySqlDataReader
rdr = sqlcom.ExecuteReader
If rdr.HasRows Then
NoAcc = rdr("IDNO")
If (TextBox14.Text = NoAcc) Then TextBox7.Text = rdr("MOTHER")
If (TextBox14.Text = NoAcc) Then TextBox8.Text = rdr("MOTHER_OCCUPATION")
If (TextBox14.Text = NoAcc) Then TextBox10.Text = rdr("FATHER")
If (TextBox14.Text = NoAcc) Then TextBox11.Text = rdr("FATHER_OCCUPATION")
End If
-Any suggestions that could help solve this problem? Or even other techniques on achieving the goal of reading data from two tables using data reader?
This is a winform, not a web form
Try this on your command:
Dim sqlcom As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select * from mother, father where mother.IDNO= '" & TextBox14.Text & "' AND father.IDNO = '" & TextBox14.Text & "'", sqlcon)