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How to force symfony2 to use HTTPS only for one page

I have to use HTTPS for only single page in symfony2 app. I've tried like


- { path: ^/payment, roles: ROLE_USER, requires_channel: https } 

It works good but when i navigate to other pages from /payment page its stays same in HTTPS instead of HTTP. I've also tried something from sonata admin controller like:


        ->add('makePayment', 'payment/{paymentId}',$options = array('_scheme' => 'https'));

but the same problem.simply i just want to use HTTPS only for /payment page not for other can i solve this issue.


  • You could try adding regexp start notation "^" to your path like this "^/payment" which should state that routes which start with /payment should be in "https".

    { path: ^/payment, roles: ROLE_USER, requires_channel: https } 

    The example in also shows that.