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Does protobuf-csharp-port support Windows RT?

protobuf-csharp-port homepage(with sourcecode)

In my previous windows phone silverlight 8.0 project
I used protobuf-csharp-port to implement the GPB,
but now I want to port the project to windows 8.1 and then universal,so I copy the source code to create a windows runtime component(I am a library developper),but encounter some problems:enter image description here

sounds like the Serializable Attribute is not useful any more
So question is:

  1. Why the red font?Does protobuf-csharp-port support Windows RT?
  2. If not,How can I use the google protocol buffer on WinRT?

Any Advice would be great,Thanks a lot!!!

Question Update at 2014/07/11
First,thanks for the Nuget Tip,helps me a lot
But some questions still exist
I am a class library developper,my goal now is to develop a portable way for win and wp developpers
So,target win8.1.I choose winrt component at first
after adding reference, winrt component question
so I decide to change,choose class library,I develop my own class library which is referencing "Protocol.Buffers" and add the class library I developped to my demo app,and run the demo app class library question

So,Does protobuf-csharp-port support Windows RT?


  • Does protobuf-csharp-port support Windows RT?

    Yes, protocol buffers are supported on Windows Store Apps.

    How can I use the google protocol buffer on WinRT?

    The simplest way is to install the Protocol Buffers NuGet package by Jon Skeet for the relevant projects in your solution:

    Protocol Buffers NuGet

    This way, all the required references will be properly set up for you, and you can start using it right away.