I wanted to use the library AMSlideMenu to have a navigation drawer. I saw the YT Tutorial to make my own navigation drawer with it.
The problem, it's, I wanted to use ONLY the left menu, and so i've this error, because it doesn't found the rightMenu...
How can I solve it ?
I fixed this by double checking that my Segue Class was set correctly. Click the segue link between your table view and your segue views and ensure you have set the classes to 'AMSlideMenuContentSegue' and the correct identifiers ('firstSegue', 'secondSegue'):
Prior to this link, the MainVC (or equivalent) view segue to the table view of links for the menu should have it's class set to 'AMSlideMenuLeftMenuSegue' and it's identifier set to 'leftMenu;
Additionally, if the above all checks out in your code, then this resolved issue might have the solution you're after: https://github.com/SocialObjects-Software/AMSlideMenu/issues/21