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WebSphere 6.1 CE Recovery error: SQLServerException: Could not find stored procedure 'master..xp_sqljdbc_xa_recover'

Hi I have inherited a a Websphere 6.1 Community Edition that hosts several applications. They all use the same pooled DB connections to MySql. Yesterday the connection pool would run out after about 2 hours requiring a server restart... ever 2 hours.... not great. So tonight I have all the modules stopped and am going to add them one by one to see which one is the culprit. However, this leads me to the problem in the subject, when the websphere server boots it give me this every 15 minutes:

ERROR [RecoveryController] Recovery error: Could not find stored procedure 'master..xp_sqljdbc_xa_recover'.

As far as I know there is no SQL server used in any of the clients apps. Is this something that comes with WS?

How can I get rid of the error?

Extra points, the server.log file is also writing [INFO] entries, where can I turn them off?


  • Looks like some old transaction to MSSQL database is still in transaction logs and could not be recovered. It looks like XA is not configured on your database server.

    If you are still using that MSSQL server, try to configure XA support, if you don't use it any more you can try to stop WAS CE server and remove old transaction logs, which should be in /var/txlog.

    For logging configuration check these two links: Logging in WAS CE and Application logging in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition