I'd like to save the user information to a database, such as username, email, password (or even hash value if I can't get the password). Then I checked the sample app below, but there is no password information. If no password, then how to save it to database? https://github.com/jaliss/securesocial/blob/2.1.x/samples/scala/demo/app/service/InMemoryUserService.scala
Finally I found the hashed password is stored in Identity, we could catch it in the function of save() when change the password or create a new user. We could add the logic to store them in database. BTW, I am using email/password to do authorization, not facebook or google OAuth.
def save(user: Identity): Identity = {
// first see if there is a user with this Identity already.
val pwd:String=user.passwordInfo.get.password
val hasher:String=user.passwordInfo.get.hasher
val salt:Option[String]=user.passwordInfo.get.salt