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Track what is being spoken in iOS 7 TTS

I want to track the number of utterances in queue for AVSpeechUtterance. So I have multiple strings that are going to be spoken in the order that I set them up to speak. Is there a way I can track which utterance number is being spoken?

So say I have 10 utterances in queue to be spoken. I want to be able to NSLog which one is being spoken. So it should NSLog the following: Utterance 6 Being Spoken. Is there a way I can do this?


  • You can use AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate and its speechSynthesizer:didStartSpeechUtterance: method. Let's assume that you store AVSpeechUtterance objects in a NSArraynamed utterances:

    - (void)speechSynthesizer:(AVSpeechSynthesizer *)synthesizer didStartSpeechUtterance:(AVSpeechUtterance *)utterance {
      NSUInteger utternanceNo = utterances indexOfObject:utterance];
      NSLog(@"Utterance %@ being spoken", @(utteranceNo));