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Making Flexslider Responsive Based on Varying Image Sizes

I am using the jQuery Flexslider plugin in order to display a little over 100 images. I have gotten them all to display using a foreach loop in php as seen below:

<?php foreach (glob('images/glob/*') as $filename): ?>
   <li> <img src="<?= $filename ?>"/> </li> 
<?php endforeach; ?>

My images all have the same height in 600px, but their widths are varying. Some are portrait images while others are landscape. I'm wondering if there is a way in php that I can add classes to style the two accordingly based on their widths.

For example:

   ( $img width > $img height ).addClass (landscape)
   ( $img height > $img width ).addClass (portrait)

Obviously that statement above won't work but can someone please show me how to add that into my foreach statement so I can add classes to the varying images?


  • Use getimagesize:

    foreach (glob('images/*') as $filename) {
        $size = getimagesize($filename); 
        if ( $size[0] > $size[1] ) {
        else {
        print  '<li> <img src="'. $filename.'" '.$size[3].' class="'.$class.'" /> </li>';

    $size[3] being there to add proper width= and height= attributes to img element.