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Can you mix chef-zero chef-metal, chef-metal-vagrant (Vagrant) and berkshelf?

I want to leverage chef-metal and chef-zero with my existing cookbooks and chef-repo (already leveraging berkshelf and vagrant for dev)

I started with the example provided at

I've got a vagrant_linux.rb

require 'chef_metal_vagrant'

   vagrant_box 'CentOS-6.4-x86_64' do
      url ''

   with_machine_options :vagrant_options => {
      '' => 'CentOS-6.4-x86_64'

I also have dev_server.rb

require 'chef_metal'

with_chef_local_server :chef_repo_path => '~/workspace/git/my-chef-repo'

machine 'dev_server' do
  tag 'dev_server'
  recipe 'myapp'
  converge true

If I put my myapp cookbook under ~/workspace/git/my-chef-repo/cookbooks, the above works fine using the following command, I've got a vagrant managed vm named dev_server converging (applying myapp recipe)

chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb dev_server.rb

But now, I'd like to keep my cookbooks folder empty and use berkshelf, It does not look supported by chef-zero at the moment, is it ? How could I do that ?


  • You can pass :cookbook_path that contains multiple paths as an Array like so:

    with_chef_local_server :chef_repo_path => repo_path,
      :cookbook_path => [ File.join(repo_path, 'cookbooks'),
      File.join(repo_path, 'vendor', 'cookbooks') ]

    Then you can use berks to vendor upstream cookbooks into a different path (vendor/cookbooks/), while putting your own cookbooks into cookbooks/ like so:

    berks vendor vendor/cookbooks/