How to write this mongodb shell query with using java?
query : db.building_feature.find({geometry : {$geoIntersects :{$geometry :{type : "Polygon", coordinates :[[[37.59777,55.73216],[37.59805,55.77615],[37.68710,55.77643],[37.68517,55.73290],[37.59777,55.73216]]]}}}})
My collection GeoSpatialIndex is "2dsphere".
My version which is not working :
DBCollection testCollection = db.getCollection("building_feature");
final LinkedList<double[]> geo = new LinkedList<>();
geo.addLast(new double[]{37.59777, 55.73216});
geo.addLast(new double[]{37.59805, 55.77615});
geo.addLast(new double[]{37.68710, 55.77643});
geo.addLast(new double[]{37.68517, 55.73290});
final BasicDBObject query
= new BasicDBObject("geometry", new BasicDBObject("$within", new BasicDBObject("$geometry", geo)));
System.out.println("Result Count : " + testCollection.find(query).count());
You should write exactly the same query in Java:
BasicDBObject polygon = new BasicDBObject("type", "Polygon");
polygon.put("coordinates", <myArray>);
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(
"geometry", new BasicDBObject(
"$geoIntersects", new BasicDBObject(
"$geometry", polygon
being your triple-nested double[][][]
geoJSON polygon coordinates array.
Btw, it could be more clear to read with a JSON string and then JSON.parse
And I think $whithin
operator does not exist in MongoDB...