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Proper way of using BeginTransaction with Dapper.IDbConnection

Which is the proper way of using BeginTransaction() with IDbConnection in Dapper ?

I have created a method in which i have to use BeginTransaction(). Here is the code.

using (IDbConnection cn = DBConnection)
    var oTransaction = cn.BeginTransaction();

        var oPara = new DynamicParameters();
        oPara.Add("@PatientID", iPatientID, dbType: DbType.Int32);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return new SaveResponse { Success = false, ResponseString = ex.Message };

When i executed above method - i got an exception -

Invalid operation. The connection is closed.

This is because you can't begin a transaction before the connection is opened. So when i add this line: cn.Open();, the error gets resolved. But i have read somewhere that manually opening the connection is bad practice!! Dapper opens a connection only when it needs to.

In Entity framework you can handle a transaction using a TransactionScope.

So my question is what is a good practice to handle transaction without adding the line cn.Open()... in Dapper ? I guess there should be some proper way for this.


  • Manually opening a connection is not "bad practice"; dapper works with open or closed connections as a convenience, nothing more. A common gotcha is people having connections that are left open, unused, for too long without ever releasing them to the pool - however, this isn't a problem in most cases, and you can certainly do:

    using(var cn = CreateConnection()) {
        using(var tran = cn.BeginTransaction()) {
            try {
                // multiple operations involving cn and tran here
            } catch {

    Note that dapper has an optional parameter to pass in the transaction, for example:

    cn.Execute(sql, args, transaction: tran);

    I am actually tempted to make extension methods on IDbTransaction that work similarly, since a transaction always exposes .Connection; this would allow:

    tran.Execute(sql, args);

    But this does not exist today.

    TransactionScope is another option, but has different semantics: this could involve the LTM or DTC, depending on ... well, luck, mainly. It is also tempting to create a wrapper around IDbTransaction that doesn't need the try/catch - more like how TransactionScope works; something like (this also does not exist):

    using(var cn = CreateConnection())
    using(var tran = cn.SimpleTransaction())