My first app just got rejected and I am a bit confused :S
It is an app that allows the user to upload images to a gallery. I already though of this guideline and introduced a moderation panel so the admin individually accepts or rejects images that should or should not be published.
This is what they told me:
18.2: Apps that contain user generated content that is frequently pornographic (e.g. "Chat Roulette" Apps) will be rejected
We found your app enables the display of user-generated content which may become sexually explicit. Therefore we ask that you put the following precautions in place, to ensure your app remains in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Require that your users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must be clear that there's no tolerance for objectionable content
- Users need a way to flag or report objectionable content and users generating this content
- Developer needs a method for ejecting users who violate the terms of the EULA
Where do I go from here? As I said, i had all implemented and it is impossible for a "pornographic" image to appear on my app as someone has to check every image before they appear.
About the EULA, does it has to be a UIAlertView
asking the user to accept or do I have to edit the EULA at iTunes Connect so it fits my purpose?
Also, do moderators answer when i ask a question in the resolution center?
Sounds to me like this rejection can be handled via a response rather than a code change. Let them know that you're images are all adjudicated, that you do have methods for detecting (you adjudicate the images after all) and ejecting users. Chances are this will be all they'll need to hear and you can resubmit your app.
for terms will most likely not have enough room to make it clear
there's no tolerance for objectionable content - use a modal ViewController that displays your terms upon first use/registration and require the users to click an "Accept" button in order to dismiss it.