I have this code that I want to make point-free;
(\k t -> chr $ a + flip mod 26 (ord k + ord t -2*a))
How do I do that?
Also are there some general rules for point free style other than "think about this amd come up with something"?
To turn a function
func x y z = (some expression in x, y and z)
into point-free form, I generally try to follow what is done to the last parameter z
and write the function as
func x y z = (some function pipeline built using x and y) z
Then I can cancel out the z
s to get
func x y = (some function pipeline built using x and y)
Then repeating the process for y and x should end up with func
in point-free form. An essential transformation to recognise in this process is:
f z = foo $ bar z -- or f z = foo (bar z)
<=> f z = foo . bar $ z
<=> f = foo . bar
It's also important to remember that with partial evaluation, you can "break off" the last argument to a function:
foo $ bar x y == foo . bar x $ y -- foo applied to ((bar x) applied to y)
For your particular function, consider the flow that k
and t
go through:
to each of themchr
So as a first attempt at simplifying, we get:
func k t = chr . (+a) . (`mod` 26) . subtract (2*a) $ ord k + ord t
Note that you can avoid flip
by using a section on mod
, and sections using -
get messy in Haskell so there's a subtract
function (they clash with the syntax for writing negative numbers: (-2)
means negative 2, and isn't the same as subtract 2
In this function, ord k + ord t
is an excellent candidate for using Data.Function.on
(link). This useful combinator lets us replace ord k + ord t
with a function applied to k
and t
func k t = chr . (+a) . (`mod` 26) . subtract (2*a) $ ((+) `on` ord) k t
We're now very close to having
func k t = (function pipeline) k t
and hence
func = (function pipeline)
Unfortunately Haskell is a bit messy when it comes to composing a binary function with a sequence of unary functions, but there is a trick (I'll see if I can find a good reference for it), and we end up with:
import Data.Function (on)
func = ((chr . (+a) . (`mod` 26) . subtract (2*a)) .) . ((+) `on` ord)
which is almost a nice neat point-free function pipeline, except for that ugly composing trick. By defining the .:
operator suggested in the comments on this page, this tidies up a little to:
import Data.Function (on)
(.:) = (.).(.)
func = (chr . (+a) . (`mod` 26) . subtract (2*a)) .: ((+) `on` ord)
To polish this some more, you could add some helper functions to separate the letter <-> Int conversion from the Caesar cipher arithmetic. For example: letterToInt = subtract a . ord