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Comparison tricks in C++

A class:

class foo{
    int data;

Now I want to add a method to this class, to do some comparison, to see if its data is equal to one of given numbers.

Of course, I can write if(data==num1|| data == num2|| data ==num3.....), but honestly speaking, I feel sick when I write data == every time I compare it to a number.

So, I hope I would be able to write something like this:

if(data is equal to one of these(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5...))
    return true;
    return false;

I want to implement this statement, data is equal to one of these(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5...)

Here is my approach:

#include <stdarg.h>
bool is_equal_to_one_of_these(int count,...){
    int i;
    bool equal = false;
    va_list arg_ptr;
    for(int x=0;x<count;x++){
        i = va_arg(arg_ptr,int);
        if( i == data ){
            equal = true;
    return equal;

This piece of code will do the job for me. But every time I use this method, I'll have to count the parameters and pass it in.

Does anyone have a better idea?


  • The easy way

    The simplest approach is to write a member function wrapper called in() around std::find with a pair of iterators to look for the data in question. I wrote a simple template<class It> in(It first, It last) member function for that

    template<class It>
    bool in(It first, It last) const
        return std::find(first, last, data) != last;

    If you have no access to the source of foo, you can write a non-member functions of signature template<class T> bool in(foo const&, std::initializer_list<T>) etc., and call it like

    in(f, {1, 2, 3 });

    The hard way

    But let's go completely overboard with that: just add two more public overloads:

    • one taking a std::initializer_list parameter that calls the previous one with the begin() and end() iterators of the corresponding initializer list argument.
    • one for an arbitrary container as input that will do a little tag dispatching to two more private overloads of a detail_in() helper:
      • one overload doing a SFINAE trick with trailing return type decltype(c.find(data), bool()) that will be removed from the overload set if the container c in question does not have a member function find(), and that returns bool otherwise (this is achieved by abusing the comma operator inside decltype)
      • one fallback overload that simply takes the begin() and end() iterators and delegates to the original in() taking two iterators

    Because the tags for the detail_in() helper form an inheritance hierarchy (much like the standard iterator tags), the first overload will match for the associative containers std::set and std::unordered_set and their multi-cousins. All other containers, including C-arrays, std::array, std::vector and std::list, will match the second overload.

    #include <algorithm>
    #include <array>
    #include <initializer_list>
    #include <type_traits>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <set>
    #include <unordered_set>
    #include <vector>
    class foo
        int data;
        template<class It>
        bool in(It first, It last) const
            std::cout << "iterator overload: ";
            return std::find(first, last, data) != last;
        template<class T>
        bool in(std::initializer_list<T> il) const
            std::cout << "initializer_list overload: ";
            return in(begin(il), end(il));
        template<class Container>
        bool in(Container const& c) const 
            std::cout << "container overload: ";
            return detail_in(c, associative_container_tag{});    
        struct sequence_container_tag {};
        struct associative_container_tag: sequence_container_tag {};
        template<class AssociativeContainer>
        auto detail_in(AssociativeContainer const& c, associative_container_tag) const 
        -> decltype(c.find(data), bool())
            std::cout << "associative overload: ";
            return c.find(data) != end(c);    
        template<class SequenceContainer> 
        bool detail_in(SequenceContainer const& c, sequence_container_tag) const
            std::cout << "sequence overload: ";
            using std::begin; using std::end;
            return in(begin(c), end(c));    
    int main()
        foo f{1};
        int a1[] = { 1, 2, 3};
        int a2[] = { 2, 3, 4};
        std::cout <<{1, 2, 3}) << "\n";
        std::cout <<{2, 3, 4}) << "\n";
        std::cout <<, std::end(a1)) << "\n";
        std::cout <<, std::end(a2)) << "\n";
        std::cout << << "\n";
        std::cout << << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int, 3>{ 1, 2, 3 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int, 3>{ 2, 3, 4 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 1, 2, 3 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 2, 3, 4 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 1, 2, 3 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 2, 3, 4 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 1, 2, 3 }) << "\n";
        std::cout <<<int>{ 2, 3, 4 }) << "\n";    

    Live Example that -for all possible containers- prints 1 and 0 for both number sets.

    The use cases for the std::initializer_list overload are for member-ship testing for small sets of numbers that you write out explicitly in calling code. It has O(N) complexity but avoids any heap allocations.

    For anything heavy-duty like membership testing of large sets, you could store the numbers in an associative container like std::set, or its multi_set or unordered_set cousins. This will go to the heap when storing these numbers, but has O(log N) or even O(1) lookup complexity.

    But if you happen to have just a sequence container full of numbers around, you can also throw that to the class and it will happily compute membership for you in O(N) time.