I am using the Noda Time library. My code is
var timeZone = NodaTime.DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull("Europe/Amsterdam");
above line of code gives me value like this which I don't want.
MaxOffset: +2:00
MinOffset: +00:19:32
when I use the same zone and query using the timezonedb.com its give me result like this
UTC/GMT +2.00 hours
But I need result in this format:
(UTC+02:00) Europe/Amsterdam
How can I achieve this using Noda Time?
Well, the result of the line of code you've given is a DateTimeZone
. That has a MinOffset
and a MaxOffset
, but that's a different matter.
You can find out the current standard and wall offset using:
IClock clock = // some clock, e.g. SystemClock.Instance;
Instant now = clock.Now;
ZoneInterval interval = zone.GetZoneInterval(now);
Offset wallOffset = interval.WallOffset;
Offset standardOffset = interval.StandardOffset;
So depending on whether you want the UTC+08:00
to represent the current standard or wall offset, you can format that. For example:
string text = string.Format("(UTC{0:+m}) {1}", interval.WallOffset, zone.Id);