How would one grep backtick from files in a for-loop.
I would like to run grep for a pattern '`define'. The pattern works in standalone grep command but fails in for-loop.
foreach xxx ( `grep -r '`define' $idirectory --no-filename | sed -e 's ; //.* ; ; ' -e 's ; #.* ; ; ' -e 's ; ^\s* ; ; ' | grep -v ^$ | sort -n | awk '{print $2}' | uniq -d`)
echo $xxx
The backticks are conflicting in the for-loop.
Simply, don't use '
and escape the backtick with backshlash.
So, the next didn't works:
grep -r '`def' *
and prints
No matching command
But this:
grep -r \`def *
works and prints
ewdwedwe `define`
So, simiarly for your script, the next works (file btick.tcsh
set greparg = \`def
foreach xxx ( `grep -l $greparg *` )
echo ===$xxx===
and pruduces the next result
the content of btick.txt files:
btick1 `def`