I am trying to write a program that gets user information and adds it to a list and then I want to total how many user inputs there were, but I can't do it. I have tried running an accumulator, but I get TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'.
def main():
#total = 0
cel_list = []
another_celeb = 'y'
while another_celeb == 'y' or another_celeb == 'Y':
celeb = input('Enter a favorite celebrity: ')
print('Would you like to add another celebrity?')
another_celeb = input('y = yes, done = no: ')
print('These are the celebrities you added to the list:')
for celeb in cel_list:
#total = total + celeb
#print('The number of celebrities you have added is:', total)
Here is the output as desired without the accumulator, but I still need to add the input together. I have commented out the accumulator.
Enter a favorite celebrity: Brad Pitt
Would you like to add another celebrity?
y = yes, done = no: y
Enter a favorite celebrity: Jennifer Anniston
Would you like to add another celebrity?
y = yes, done = no: done
These are the celebrities you added to the list:
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Anniston
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Python is a dynamically typed language. So, when you type total = 0
, the variable total becomes an integer i.e Python assigns a type to a variable depending on the value it contains.
You can check the type of any variable in python using type(variable_name)
len(object) returns integer value.
for celeb in cel_list:
#end of for loop
total = 0
total = total + len(cel_list) # int + int
print('The number of celebrities you have added is:', total)