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StyleCop XML Documentation Header - Using 3 /// instead of 2 //

I am using XML documentation headers on my c# files to pass the StyleCop rule SA1633.

Currently, I have to use the 2 slash commenting rule to allow StyleCop to recognize the header. for example:

// <copyright file="abc.ascx.cs" company="">
// All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <author>Me</author>

This works fine for StyleCop, however I would like to use the 3 slash commenting rule to enable visual studio to understand the comments as XML and provide the XML functionality (highlighting, auto indenting etc)

/// <copyright file="abc.ascx.cs" company="">
/// All rights reserved.
/// </copyright>
/// <author>Me</author>

The problem is that when using 3 slashes, StyleCop no longer see's the header and throws the SA1633 warning.

Is there anyway to configure stylecop to understand the header is contained in XML using 3 slashes?


  • You could build a custom rule and disable the original in favour of your new one: