I need my Visually impaired User to be able select a font size and mostly I have it handled OK, but Popup Menu is not working well as the Row height is not changed with Font Size.
Using this...
Screen.MenuFont.Size:=18; // Actually selected from list by User or Helper
Works well for the Font Size, but the Row height is not changed. In other Components such as TDBGrid, a Font.Size change also changes the Row Height.
How can I get the Popup Menus to adjust the Row Height for the selected Font.Size?
The documentation for OwnerDraw
property for TPopupMenu
When OwnerDraw is true, menu items receive an OnMeasureItem and an OnDrawItem event when they need to be rendered on screen.
So assign a handler for OnMeasureItem
of the items of the popup menu either at design time, or at run time:
for i := 0 to puMain.Items.Count - 1 do
puMain.Items[i].OnMeasureItem := PopupMeasureItem;
where PopupMeasureItem
can be as simple as
procedure TMyForm.PopupMeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
var Width, Height: Integer);
Height := ACanvas.TextHeight('.') + 2;
or you can determine the necessary height as the user selects from the list to save calling TextHeight
each time an item is to be drawn.