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Knockout - is toFixed the right function to shift decimal points in a number

I am trying to create a computed observable from an observable. In this scenario, the observable is the precision and I want a value to be fixed to that observable value.

this.precision = ko.observable("2");

this.formattedValue = ko.computed(function(){
      return "567".toFixed(this.precision());

I am not able to make this work. It complains "undefined is not a function".

Any suggestions?


  • toFixed works on a number and not a string and the precision is also a number. (567).toFixed(2) will return 567.00.

    You need to use self instead of this because inside a function this will refer to itself.

    var ViewModel = function () {
        var self = this;
        self.precision = ko.observable(2);
        self.formattedValue = ko.computed(function(){
            return (567).toFixed(self.precision());

    To shift the decimal point to the left so 567 becomes 5.67 you can use 565 / Math.pow(10, self.precision())