I've added
this.CordovaView.DisableBouncyScrolling = true;
in my MainPage.xaml.cs (Cordova 3.5.0), to prevent the bouncing. But now all scrolling is disabled. (But I just wanted to disable the bouncing when scrolling outside the viewport area.)
When testing my HTML code inside the IE mobile browser everything works fine, but I would like to ship it as a "native" app.
Isn't this.CordovaView.DisableBouncyScrolling
what I am looking for?
I've found the answer myself, by looking into CordoveView.xaml.cs
this.bmHelper.ScrollDisabled = this.DisableBouncyScrolling;
Means DisableBouncyScrolling
absolutely disables scrolling, which isn't what would expect from "disabling bouncy".