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Set up a Stomp client in android with Spring framework in server side

I am developing an android application that exchanges data with a jetty server configured in Spring. To obtain a more dynamic android application, i am trying to use WebSocket protocol with Stomp messages.

In order to realize this stuff, i config a web socket message broker in spring :

        excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type= FilterType.ANNOTATION, value = Configuration.class)
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

    public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {

    public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {

and a SimpMessageSendingOperations in Spring controller to send message from server to client :

public class MessageAddController {
    private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MessageAddController.class);

    private SimpMessageSendingOperations messagingTemplate;

    private UserManager userManager;

    private MessageManager messageManager;

    public MessageAddController(SimpMessageSendingOperations messagingTemplate, 
            UserManager userManager, MessageManager messageManager){
        this.messagingTemplate = messagingTemplate;
        this.userManager = userManager;
        this.messageManager = messageManager;

    public SimpleMessage addFriendship(
            @RequestParam String content,
            @RequestParam Long otherUser_id
  "Execute MessageAdd action");
        SimpleMessage simpleMessage;

            User curentUser = userManager.getCurrentUser();
            User otherUser = userManager.findUser(otherUser_id);

            Message message = new Message();

            Message newMessage = messageManager.findLastMessageCreated();

                    "/message/add", newMessage);//send message through websocket

            simpleMessage = new SimpleMessage(null, newMessage);
        } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("A problem of type : " + e.getClass() 
                        + " has occured, with message : " + e.getMessage());
            simpleMessage = new SimpleMessage(
                            new SimpleException(e.getClass(), e.getMessage()), null);
        return simpleMessage;

When i test this configuration in a web browser with stomp.js, I haven't any problem : messages are perfectly exchanged between web browser and Jetty server. The JavaScript code using for web browser test :

    var stompClient = null;

    function setConnected(connected) {
        document.getElementById('connect').disabled = connected;
        document.getElementById('disconnect').disabled = !connected;
        document.getElementById('conversationDiv').style.visibility = connected ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
        document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = '';

    function connect() {
        stompClient = Stomp.client("ws://YOUR_IP/client");         
        stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
            stompClient.subscribe('/message/add', function(message){

    function disconnect() {

    function showMessage(message) {
        var response = document.getElementById('response');
        var p = document.createElement('p'); = 'break-word';

Problems occur when i try to use stomp in Android with libraries like gozirra, activemq-stomp or others : most of time, connection with server doesn't work. My app stop to run and, after a few minutes, i have the following message in logcat : Unable to resolve host "ws://": No address associated with hostname, and i don't understand why. Code using Gozzira library which manages the stomp appeal in my android activity :

private void stomp_test() {
    String ip = "ws://";
    int port = 8080;

    String channel = "/message/add";
    Client c;

    try {
        c = new Client( ip, port, "", "" );
        Log.i("Stomp", "Connection established");
        c.subscribe( channel, new Listener() {
            public void message( Map header, String message ) {
                Log.i("Stomp", "Message received!!!");

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Log.e("Stomp", ex.getMessage());

    } catch (LoginException ex) {
        Log.e("Stomp", ex.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Log.e("Stomp", ex.getMessage());


After some research, i found that most persons who want to use stomp over websocket with Java Client use ActiveMQ server, like in this site. But spring tools are very simple to use and it will be cool if i could keep my server layer as is it now. Someone would know how to use stomp java (Android) in client side with Spring configuration in server side?


  • I achieve to use stomp over web socket with Android and spring server.

    To do such a thing, i used a web socket library : werbench (follow this link to download it). To install, I used the maven command mvn install and i got back the jar in my local repository. Then, I need to add a stomp layer on the basic web socket one, but i couldn't find any stomp library in java which could manage stomp over web socket (I had to give up gozzira). So I create my own one (with stomp.js like model). Don't hesitate to ask me if you want take a look at it, but i realized it very quickly so it can not manage as much as stomp.js. Then, i need to realize an authentication with my spring server. To achieve it, i followed the indication of this site. when i get back the JSESSIONID cookie, I had just need to declare an header with this cookie in the instantiation of a werbench web socket in my stomp "library".

    EDIT : this is the main class in this library, the one which manage the stomp over web socket connection :

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    import android.util.Log;
    import de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocket;
    import de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocketEventHandler;
    import de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocketMessage;
    public class Stomp {
        private static final String TAG = Stomp.class.getSimpleName();
        public static final int CONNECTED = 1;//Connection completely established
        public static final int NOT_AGAIN_CONNECTED = 2;//Connection process is ongoing
        public static final int DECONNECTED_FROM_OTHER = 3;//Error, no more internet connection, etc.
        public static final int DECONNECTED_FROM_APP = 4;//application explicitely ask for shut down the connection 
        private static final String PREFIX_ID_SUBSCIPTION = "sub-";
        private static final String ACCEPT_VERSION_NAME = "accept-version";
        private static final String ACCEPT_VERSION = "1.1,1.0";
        private static final String COMMAND_CONNECT = "CONNECT";
        private static final String COMMAND_CONNECTED = "CONNECTED";
        private static final String COMMAND_MESSAGE = "MESSAGE";
        private static final String COMMAND_RECEIPT = "RECEIPT";
        private static final String COMMAND_ERROR = "ERROR";
        private static final String COMMAND_DISCONNECT = "DISCONNECT";
        private static final String COMMAND_SEND = "SEND";
        private static final String COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE = "SUBSCRIBE";
        private static final String COMMAND_UNSUBSCRIBE = "UNSUBSCRIBE";
        private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "id";
        private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_DESTINATION = "destination";
        private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION = "subscription";
        private static final Set<String> VERSIONS = new HashSet<String>();
        static {
        private WebSocket websocket;
        private int counter;
        private int connection;
        private Map<String, String> headers;
        private int maxWebSocketFrameSize;
        private Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions;
        private ListenerWSNetwork networkListener;
         * Constructor of a stomp object. Only url used to set up a connection with a server can be instantiate
         * @param url
         *      the url of the server to connect with
        public Stomp(String url, Map<String,String> headersSetup, ListenerWSNetwork stompStates){       
            try {
                this.websocket = new WebSocket(new URI(url), null, headersSetup);
                this.counter = 0;
                this.headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
                this.maxWebSocketFrameSize = 16 * 1024;
                this.connection = NOT_AGAIN_CONNECTED;
                this.networkListener = stompStates;
                this.subscriptions = new HashMap<String, Subscription>();
                this.websocket.setEventHandler(new WebSocketEventHandler() {        
                    public void onOpen(){
                        if(Stomp.this.headers != null){                                         
                            Stomp.this.headers.put(ACCEPT_VERSION_NAME, ACCEPT_VERSION);
                            transmit(COMMAND_CONNECT, Stomp.this.headers, null);
                            Log.d(TAG, "...Web Socket Openned");
                    public void onMessage(WebSocketMessage message) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "<<< " + message.getText());
                        Frame frame = Frame.fromString(message.getText());
                        boolean isMessageConnected = false;
                            Stomp.this.connection = CONNECTED;
                            Log.d(TAG, "connected to server : " + frame.getHeaders().get("server"));
                            isMessageConnected = true;
                        } else if(frame.getCommand().equals(COMMAND_MESSAGE)){
                            String subscription = frame.getHeaders().get(SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION);
                            ListenerSubscription onReceive = Stomp.this.subscriptions.get(subscription).getCallback();
                            if(onReceive != null){
                                onReceive.onMessage(frame.getHeaders(), frame.getBody());
                            } else{
                                Log.e(TAG, "Error : Subscription with id = " + subscription + " had not been subscribed");
                        } else if(frame.getCommand().equals(COMMAND_RECEIPT)){
                            //I DON'T KNOW WHAT A RECEIPT STOMP MESSAGE IS
                        } else if(frame.getCommand().equals(COMMAND_ERROR)){
                            Log.e(TAG, "Error : Headers = " + frame.getHeaders() + ", Body = " + frame.getBody());
                        } else {
                    public void onClose(){
                        if(connection == DECONNECTED_FROM_APP){
                            Log.d(TAG, "Web Socket disconnected");
                        } else{
                            Log.w(TAG, "Problem : Web Socket disconnected whereas Stomp disconnect method has never "
                                    + "been called.");
                    public void onPing() {
                    public void onPong() {
                    public void onError(IOException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Error : " + e.getMessage());                
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
         * Send a message to server thanks to websocket
         * @param command
         *      one of a frame property, see {@link Frame} for more details
         * @param headers
         *      one of a frame property, see {@link Frame} for more details
         * @param body
         *      one of a frame property, see {@link Frame} for more details
        private void transmit(String command, Map<String, String> headers, String body){
            String out = Frame.marshall(command, headers, body);
            Log.d(TAG, ">>> " + out);
            while (true) {
                if (out.length() > this.maxWebSocketFrameSize) {
                    this.websocket.send(out.substring(0, this.maxWebSocketFrameSize));
                    out = out.substring(this.maxWebSocketFrameSize);
                } else {
         * Set up a web socket connection with a server
        public void connect(){
            if(this.connection != CONNECTED){
                Log.d(TAG, "Opening Web Socket...");
                } catch (Exception e){
                    Log.w(TAG, "Impossible to establish a connection : " + e.getClass() + ":" + e.getMessage());
         * disconnection come from the server, without any intervention of client side. Operations order is very important
        private void disconnectFromServer(){
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){
                this.connection = DECONNECTED_FROM_OTHER;
         * disconnection come from the app, because the public method disconnect was called
        private void disconnectFromApp(){
            if(this.connection == DECONNECTED_FROM_APP){
         * Close the web socket connection with the server. Operations order is very important
        public void disconnect(){
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){
                this.connection = DECONNECTED_FROM_APP;
                transmit(COMMAND_DISCONNECT, null, null);
         * Send a simple message to the server thanks to the body parameter
         * @param destination
         *      The destination through a Stomp message will be send to the server
         * @param headers
         *      headers of the message
         * @param body
         *      body of a message
        public void send(String destination, Map<String,String> headers, String body){
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){
                if(headers == null)
                    headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
                if(body == null)
                    body = "";
                headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_DESTINATION, destination);
                transmit(COMMAND_SEND, headers, body);
         * Allow a client to send a subscription message to the server independently of the initialization of the web socket.
         * If connection have not been already done, just save the subscription
         * @param subscription
         *      a subscription object
        public void subscribe(Subscription subscription){
            subscription.setId(PREFIX_ID_SUBSCIPTION + this.counter++);
            this.subscriptions.put(subscription.getId(), subscription);
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){   
                Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();            
                headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, subscription.getId());
                headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_DESTINATION, subscription.getDestination());
         * Subscribe to a Stomp channel, through messages will be send and received. A message send from a determine channel
         * can not be receive in an another.
        private void subscribe(){
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){
                for(Subscription subscription : this.subscriptions.values()){
                    Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();            
                    headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, subscription.getId());
                    headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_DESTINATION, subscription.getDestination());
         * Send the subscribe to the server with an header
         * @param headers
         *      header of a subscribe STOMP message
        private void subscribe(Map<String, String> headers){
            transmit(COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE, headers, null);
         * Destroy a subscription with its id
         * @param id
         *      the id of the subscription. This id is automatically setting up in the subscribe method
        public void unsubscribe(String id){
            if(this.connection == CONNECTED){
                Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
                headers.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, id);
                this.transmit(COMMAND_UNSUBSCRIBE, headers, null);

    This one is the Frame of a Stomp message :

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class Frame {
    //  private final static String CONTENT_LENGTH = "content-length";
        private String command;
        private Map<String, String> headers;
        private String body;
         * Constructor of a Frame object. All parameters of a frame can be instantiate
         * @param command
         * @param headers
         * @param body
        public Frame(String command, Map<String, String> headers, String body){
            this.command = command;     
            this.headers = headers != null ? headers : new HashMap<String, String>();
            this.body = body != null ? body : "";
        public String getCommand(){
            return command;
        public Map<String, String> getHeaders(){
            return headers;
        public String getBody(){
            return body;
         * Transform a frame object into a String. This method is copied on the objective C one, in the MMPReactiveStompClient
         * library
         * @return a frame object convert in a String
        private String toStringg(){
            String strLines = this.command;
            strLines += Byte.LF;
            for(String key : this.headers.keySet()){
                strLines += key + ":" + this.headers.get(key);
                strLines += Byte.LF;
            strLines += Byte.LF;
            strLines += this.body;
            strLines += Byte.NULL;
            return strLines;
         * Create a frame from a received message. This method is copied on the objective C one, in the MMPReactiveStompClient
         * library
         * @param data
         *  a part of the message received from network, which represented a frame
         * @return
         *  An object frame
        public static Frame fromString(String data){
            List<String> contents = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(data.split(Byte.LF)));
            while(contents.size() > 0 && contents.get(0).equals("")){
            String command = contents.get(0);
            Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
            String body = "";
            boolean hasHeaders = false;
            for(String line : contents){
                    for(int i=0; i < line.length(); i++){
                        Character c = line.charAt(i);
                            body += c;
                } else{
                        hasHeaders = true;
                    } else {
                        String[] header = line.split(":");
                        headers.put(header[0], header[1]);
            return new Frame(command, headers, body);   
    //    No need this method, a single frame will be always be send because body of the message will never be excessive
    //    /**
    //     * Transform a message received from server in a Set of objects, named frame, manageable by java
    //     * 
    //     * @param datas
    //     *        message received from network
    //     * @return
    //     *        a Set of Frame
    //     */
    //    public static Set<Frame> unmarshall(String datas){
    //      String data;
    //      String[] ref = datas.split(Byte.NULL + Byte.LF + "*");//NEED TO VERIFY THIS PARAMETER
    //      Set<Frame> results = new HashSet<Frame>();
    //      for (int i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
    //            data = ref[i];
    //            if ((data != null ? data.length() : 0) > 0){
    //              results.add(unmarshallSingle(data));//"unmarshallSingle" is the old name method for "fromString"
    //            }
    //        }         
    //      return results;
    //    }
         * Create a frame with based fame component and convert them into a string
         * @param command
         * @param headers
         * @param body
         * @return  a frame object convert in a String, thanks to <code>toStringg()</code> method
        public static String marshall(String command, Map<String, String> headers, String body){
            Frame frame = new Frame(command, headers, body);
            return frame.toStringg();
        private class Byte {
            public static final String LF = "\n";
            public static final String NULL = "\0";

    This one is an object used to establish a subscription via the stomp protocol :

    public class Subscription {
        private String id;
        private String destination;
        private ListenerSubscription callback;
        public Subscription(String destination, ListenerSubscription callback){
            this.destination = destination;
            this.callback = callback;
        public String getId() {
            return id;
        public void setId(String id) {
   = id;
        public String getDestination() {
            return destination;
        public ListenerSubscription getCallback() {
            return callback;

    At least, there are two interfaces used as the "Run" java class, to listen web socket network and a given subscription canal

    public interface ListenerWSNetwork {
        public void onState(int state);
    import java.util.Map;
    public interface ListenerSubscription {
        public void onMessage(Map<String, String> headers, String body);

    For more information, don't hesitate to ask me.