We have a requirement that requires us to list out all the empty values from the incoming xml. I have searched but all I could find was listing non-null values, trying to use that for our xml is not returning the required results.
Here is the xml that we will receive and I want to be able to concatenate all the null values from this xml and print. Kindly assist.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<ns0:I2NA xmlns:ns0 = "http://www.example.com/schemas/Schema.xsd">
<ns0:AccountNumber>1231231231231231233 </ns0:AccountNumber>
<ns0:IdNo>2303111450 </ns0:IdNo>
<ns0:HomePhone>123456 </ns0:HomePhone>
<ns0:Employer> </ns0:Employer>
<ns0:EmployersPhone>123456 </ns0:EmployersPhone>
<ns0:FaxPhone>123456 </ns0:FaxPhone>
<ns0:MobileNo>0568520421 </ns0:MobileNo>
<ns0:CountryCode> </ns0:CountryCode>
<ns0:PostalCode> </ns0:PostalCode>
<ns0:Position> </ns0:Position>
<ns0:EmailAddrs> </ns0:EmailAddrs>
<ns0:UserCode1> </ns0:UserCode1>
<ns0:NationalityCode> </ns0:NationalityCode>
<ns0:NameLine1>ABC </ns0:NameLine1>
<ns0:NameLine2> </ns0:NameLine2>
<ns0:NameLine3> </ns0:NameLine3>
<ns0:ChDob> </ns0:ChDob>
<ns0:AddressLine1>USA </ns0:AddressLine1>
<ns0:AddressLine2>USA </ns0:AddressLine2>
<ns0:AddressLine3>USA </ns0:AddressLine3>
<ns0:AddressLine4>USA </ns0:AddressLine4>
<ns0:City> </ns0:City>
<ns0:State> </ns0:State>
<ns0:StatementNotifIndi> </ns0:StatementNotifIndi>
<ns0:Nationality> </ns0:Nationality>
<ns0:County> </ns0:County>
<ns0:LastName>John </ns0:LastName>
<ns0:MiddleName> </ns0:MiddleName>
<ns0:FirstName>SHAN MATHEW </ns0:FirstName>
<ns0:LangPref> </ns0:LangPref>
When the XSLT is applied, we would like to receive the below string as output.
Use <xsl:value-of select="//*[not(*) and not(normalize-space())]/local-name()" separator=","/>
. But I don't understand why your sample string starts with Status
while the XML has a value <ns0:Status>0</ns0:Status>
for that field.
With XSLT 1.0 you need a bit of more code:
<xsl:for-each select="//*[not(*) and not(normalize-space())]">
<xsl:if test="position() > 1"><xsl:text>.</xsl:text></xsl:if>
<xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>