I am calling resources from a ASP.MVC page http://host/Project/Index.cshtml
to http://host/odata/ProjectAPI
and so on.
Angular Factory works fine with first two functions getProject and postProject and send request to http://host/odata/ProjectAPI(:projectId value)
and http://host/odata/ProjectAPI
But for some unknown reasons getMembers and postMember methods are sending request to http://host/Project/..odata/ProjectAPI(:projectId)/Members
and http://host/Project/..odata/MemberAPI
Could anyone explain? PS: this requests are sent from same page but different tabs
app.factory('resourceProject', function ($resource) {
return {
getProject: function () {
return $resource('../odata/ProjectAPI(:projectId)', { projectId: '@id' });
postProject: function () {
return $resource('../odata/ProjectAPI');
getMembers: function () {
return $resource('..odata/ProjectAPI(:projectId)/Members', { projectId: '@id' });
postMember: function () {
return $resource('..odata/MemberAPI');
Your URL's are wrong:
return $resource('..odata/ProjectAPI(:projectId)/Members'
return $resource('..odata/MemberAPI');
You've put .. instead of ../