I am trying to read some smps files with python, and found a fortran implementation, so I thought I would give f2py a shot. The problem is that I have no experience with fortran.
I have successfully installed gfortran and f2py on my Linux box and ran the example on thew f2py page, but I have some trouble compiling and running the large program. There are two files, one with a file reader wrapper and one with all the logic. They seem to call each other, but when I compile and link or try f2py, I get errors that they somehow can't find each other:
f95 -c FILEWR~1.F
f95 -c SMPSREAD.F90
f95 -o smpsread SMPSREAD.o FILEWR~1.o
FILEWR~1.o In function `file_wrapper_'
FILEWR~1.F(.text+0x3d) undefined reference to `chopen_'
usrlibgcci486-linux-gnu4.4.1libgfortranbegin.a(fmain.o) In function `main'
(.text+0x27) undefined reference to `MAIN__'
collect2 ld returned 1 exit status
I also tried changing the name to FILE_WRAPPER.F but that did not help.
With f2py I found out I had to include a comment to get it to accept free format, and saved this as a new file and tried:
f2py -c -m smpsread smpsread.f90
I get a lot of output and warnings, but the error seems to be this one:
getctype: No C-type found in "{'typespec': 'type', 'attrspec': ['allocatable'], 'typename': 'node', 'dimension': [':']}", assuming void.
The fortran 90 spms reader can be found here.
Any help or suggestions appreciated.
I would suggest skipping the fortran business altogether.
The MPS record layout is described here, and looks relatively simple to pick apart in Python.
You'll have to define appropriate Python classes (or namedtuples) for all of the data anyway.
I don't think the Fortran is helping.