I've my site structure as below
|-- ProjectDir
|-- fonts
| |-- my-webfont.woff
|-- css
| |-- vendor
| |-- my-style.css
|-- rent.html
In "my-style.css" file, font is linked using a site-root-relative url
I use a local webserver to view
But my fonts are not loading and when I try to load
it shows a 404 Error (File Not Found).
You can see the my git repo here: https://github.com/abhisekp/House-Rent-Calculator and see the fonts/ directory.
And loading the font file using the web server shows 404 Error. See here: https://abhisekp.github.io/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
What's wrong with all this? My local server also behaves this way.
Thanks everyone. I found the bug.
Actually, the problem was the root itself. When viewing using https://abhisekp.github.io/House-Rent-Calculator address, the root is "abhisekp.github.io/" not "abhisekp.github.io/House-Rent-Calculator/" hence the @font-face urls refer to the former rather than the later.
The fonts lies under "House-Rent-Calculator/" directory. I fixed it by using a relative link (safe for everything if "fonts/" & "css/" directories are not changed frequently).
No more root-relative links as I test using various servers and my "House-Rent-Calculator/" directory might be anywhere in the server.
Better be safe than sorry! ;-)