Can anyone help me on below zooming! While doing horizontal zoom, I would like to increase and display the gap or range.
Now the range is on attached link is 10,12,14,16... while zooming it should display as 10,11,12,13,... How I can increase this domain range while zooming. Please guide me.
protected static int gapValue; //gap between two dates
private void zoom(PointF source, double startDistance, double endDistance) {
Plot plot = this.chart.getPlot();
PlotRenderingInfo info =;
if (plot instanceof Zoomable) {
float scaleDistance = (float) (startDistance / endDistance);
//for maintaining the limit of zooming range horizontally
if (this.mScale * scaleDistance <= 1.0f
&& this.mScale * scaleDistance > 0.1f) {
this.mScale *= scaleDistance;
Zoomable z = (Zoomable) plot;
z.zoomDomainAxes(scaleDistance, info, source, false);
int sealValue = (int) (gapValue * this.mScale);
// gap shoud be greater than zero
if (sealValue == 0)
sealValue = 1;
// To re-render the graph dates in domain axis
((DateAxis) this.getChart().getXYPlot().getDomainAxis())
.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY,
sealValue, new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd")));
// repaint