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Multiple translations in a single reStructuredtext file

Is there a way to achieve the following?

  • Source is a single .rst file where the translation in multiple languages coexist
  • Generate web page renditions per language (in .html files preferably).
    • This can be either a single file where readers can switch between languages, or multiple separate .html files
  • Preferably web page generation can be done by rst2html but other common tools are welcomed as well

Usecase I have in mind. In foo.rst (I don't mean I want exactly tags like these):


  She likes spinach the best.


  Sie mag am besten Spinat.

Result would be, as I mentioned, either a single foo.html, or a set of foo_en.html and foo_de.html.


  • I figured out by using sphinx-intl; it creates folders per language, and update the translations based on the change in the master file take a few steps (which requires careful operation), but I'm satisfied.

    If you need a concrete example, in this project holds I'm maintaining English and Japanese renditions.