I could not find any documentation other than four longs being the bytes received at the start and end regarding simulation.log file in Gatling output. Below is sample line from the log:
My scenario - Sync 7526052819726874465-2088 REQUEST My Page 1404439715068 1404439715068 1404439716103 1404439716103 OK
What does all of this stand for? Should we have this information somewhere in the Gatling documentation?
I browsed through Gatling source and found the FileDataWriterSpec where outputting to the simulation.log is tested. According to this spec, we have an object RequestMessage which is used as an object to carry the logged data. According to this class:
case class RequestMessage(
scenario: String,
userId: String,
groupHierarchy: List[String],
name: String,
requestStartDate: Long,
requestEndDate: Long,
responseStartDate: Long,
responseEndDate: Long,
status: Status,
message: Option[String],
extraInfo: List[Any]) extends DataWriterMessage {
def responseTime = responseEndDate - requestStartDate
above must be: [scenario][userId][[groupHierarchy][name][first/last byte sent timestamp][first/last byte received timestamp][status]
Could anyone confirm? And what exactly is groupHierarchy?
Missing recordType:
[scenario][userId][recordType][groupHierarchy][name][first/last byte sent timestamp][first/last byte received timestamp][status][extraInfo]
Regarding groups, see documentation: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/wiki/Structure-Elements#group