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Interacting with java code from C#

We've written a Java program which we are looking to use and interact with from C#. What are our options? Optimally it would be possible to compile the Java application as a library (.DLL) that we could reference from C# perhaps using P/Invoke. This, however, doesn't appear to be an option according to the first few searches online.

We opt to be able to use ASP.NET to built a search engine powered by the Java code, so if this opens up for any other options please let us know.


  • Sorry, you cannot call java code / classes Directly from C# code.

    One way of doing this is to wrap up your java classes in a java Web Service and call classes indirectly through that web service interface in your C# code.

    Another way is using javareg.exe which exposes java classes as COM. You can find it at following location:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\VIntDev98\bin\javareg.exe

    Following posts might help as well