Am totally new to MOA. Am building VFDT classifier for certain number of instances(1000,10000,100000 and so on from a ArffFileStream). First, Am trying to use a learn model for the instances. Can anyone please tell me where can i find the split criteria and the attributes used for split from the model description. Below is the screenshot of the model description after learning 1000 instances.
Also, will i get any plot for the learn model. Because, am getting plot only for the evaluation prequential for accuracy whereas there is no plot for learn model.
Also, how can i import my arfffilestream to an excel sheet using MOA?
Thanks a lot in advance.
MOA is for stream simulation, so you'll get only the progression against time on kappa/accuracy/ram/cpu. However, if you want ROC and many details or graphics on the learn model you should use MOA classifiers through Weka there is a dedicated wrapper.
PS: the split criteria is an input parameter (-S).