Search code examples

plpgsql syntax error at or near ";"

I have viewed this similar question, but I think my problem may be different. If I am understanding their question correctly, the problem was caused by syntax errors upstream.
In my case, the syntax error is so close to the beginning of the program that it gives me a narrow window of what could have gone wrong, and yet everything looks okay to my eye.


DO $$
DECLARE topic_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM "socialMediaModel_topic" WHERE "active_search"=True;

OPEN topic_cursor;
FETCH FIRST FROM topic_cursor;
    SELECT "topic" FROM topic_cursor AS "c_topic";
    SELECT "topic_id" FROM topic_cursor AS "c_id";
    SELECT "active_search" FROM topic_cursor AS "c_active";

    INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollection" ("name", "active")
        VALUES (c_topic, c_active);
    INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollectiontopic" ("data_collection_id_id", "topic_id_id")
        VALUES ((SELECT "data_collection_id" FROM "DataCollection" where name=c_topic), c_id);

    FETCH NEXT FROM topic_cursor;

CLOSE topic_cursor;

UPDATE "socialMediaModel_topic" SET "active_search" = False WHERE "active_search"=True;


ERROR:  syntax error at or near ";"
LINE 9:  FETCH FIRST FROM topic_cursor;
********** Error **********

ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 247

I followed these resources almost exactly while writing this script:

Database: PostgreSQL 9.1
Editor: pgAdmin III Query Tool

I apologize in advance if I am missing something very obvious. I have been staring at this script all day so my brains may be a little scrambled.


  • Procedural solution

    There was a number of problems in your code.
    This should work, and faster, too:

       rec record;
       FOR rec IN
          SELECT s.*, d.data_collection_id
          FROM   "socialMediaModel_topic" s
          LEFT   JOIN "DataCollection"    d ON = s.topic
          WHERE  active_search
          INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollection" (name, active)
          VALUES (rec.topic, rec.active_search);
          INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollectiontopic"
                                  (data_collection_id_id, topic_id_id)
          VALUES (rec.data_collection_id, rec.topic_id);
       END LOOP;
       UPDATE "socialMediaModel_topic"
       SET    active_search = FALSE
       WHERE  active_search;

    Major points

    • FETCH syntax was incorrect.

    • There is no COMMIT in a DO statement. The whole thing runs inside a single transaction automatically, just like a function.

    • You had no condition to terminate your loop.

    • Explicit cursors are hardly ever necessary. Use the much more convenient (and typically faster) implicit cursor of a FOR loop.

    • I would advice against CaMeL case identifiers in Postgres. Use legal, lower-case identifiers exclusively.

    Set-based solution

    The whole procedural approach is inferior to a set-based approach with data-modifying CTEs:

    WITH ins1 AS (
       INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollection" (name, active)
       SELECT topic, active_search
       FROM   "socialMediaModel_topic"
       WHERE  active_search
    , ins2 AS (
       INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollectiontopic"
                               (data_collection_id_id, topic_id_id)
       SELECT d.data_collection_id, s.topic_id
       FROM   "socialMediaModel_topic" s
       LEFT   JOIN "DataCollection"    d ON = s.topic
       WHERE  s.active_search
    UPDATE "socialMediaModel_topic"
    SET    active_search = FALSE
    WHERE  active_search;

    Or, if you have concurrent write load, use FOR UPDATE to avoid race conditions:

    WITH sel AS (
       SELECT s.topic_id, s.topic, s.active_search, d.data_collection_id
       FROM   "socialMediaModel_topic" s
       LEFT   JOIN "DataCollection"    d ON = s.topic
       WHERE  s.active_search
       FOR    UPDATE
    , ins1 AS (
       INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollection" (name, active)
       SELECT topic, active_search FROM sel
    , ins2 AS (
       INSERT INTO "socialMediaModel_datacollectiontopic"
                               (data_collection_id_id, topic_id_id)
       SELECT d.data_collection_id, s.topic_id FROM sel
    UPDATE "socialMediaModel_topic"
    SET    active_search = FALSE
    WHERE  active_search;

    More on SELECT ... FOR UPDATE in CTEs:
    Should I include SELECTs in a transaction?

    Similar question / answer:
    How to improve performance of a function with cursors in PostgreSQL?