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jQuery elements not appearing on Django page

I am trying to implement the Slider from django-floppyforms. However my page only displays a single empty text box when I use the examples given. When I render it using {{form.as_p}} I can only get the native slider to work but I I would really like the JS functionality.

I have a copy of jquery-1.11.1.min.js downloaded from Its filepath is floppyform_test/static/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js `floppy_project/src/floppyform_test/static/js

I think it might be a problem with my jQuery filepath (I have tried many variations) or my

I haven't really used JavaScript before but here is what I have tried.

def sview(request):
    jquery_slider = Slider()
    native_slider = SlideForm()

    return render(request, 'slider.html', {
                                           'jquery_slider': jquery_slider,   
                                           'native_slider': native_slider,             

slider.html (adapted from original)

{# slider.html #}
{% include "floppyforms/input.html" %}
<div id="{{ }}-slider"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }} /static/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var type = $('<input type="range" />').attr('type');
    if (type == 'text') { // No HTML5 support
      $('#{{ }}').attr("readonly", true);
      $('#{{ }}-slider').slider({
        {% if value %}value: {{ value }},{% endif %}
        min: {{ attrs.min }},
        max: {{ attrs.max }},
        step: {{ attrs.step }},
        slide: function(event, ui) {
          $('#{{ }}').val(ui.value);
</script> (copied from original)

import floppyforms as forms

class Slider(forms.RangeInput):
    min = 5
    max = 20
    step = 5
    template_name = 'slider.html'

    class Media:
        js = (
        css = {
            'all': (

class SlideForm(forms.Form):
    num = forms.IntegerField(widget=Slider)

    def clean_num(self):
        num = self.cleaned_data['num']
        if not 5 <= num <= 20:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Enter a value between 5 and 20")

        if not num % 5 == 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError("Enter a multiple of 5")
        return num

Any help is greatly appriciated


  • Three things:

    1. Can you find the jquery file at the {{static_url}}/static.... path? If you've set your static_url to be /static/, you don't need the /static added again.

    2. You've declared more jquery in your Slider widget, but its a different path and version to your declaration in your template, so you'll get a clash.

    3. Don't declare your jquery file as you have done - put it in the head of the doc, then wite your ad-hoc script using the $(document).ready(function(){}) syntax