I would like to know whether a Transcript window is visible, and if not to open one.
Since the model behind a Transcript is a PluggableTextMorph I thought about collecting all those which represent Transcripts with
PluggableTextMorph allInstances select: [ :e| e model = Transcript ]
This is all nice, returns a bunch of objects. However, it's not clear which of these is visible. Probably a beginner Morphic question... :)
Maybe there is a better way, but you can definitely use this:
World submorphs
detect: [ :m | m model = Transcript ]
ifNone: [ Transcript open ]
SystemWindow allInstances detect: [ :m | m model = Transcript ] ifNone: [ Transcript open ]
The thing is that I've tried to do
ThreadSafeTranscriptPluggableTextMorph allInstances detect: ...
but for some reason morph is still alive even if window is closed