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Call an object function from within a callback function in Javascript

I have the following Javascript object:

var obj = (function (){
     functionOne: function(){}
     functionTwo: function(){
           callback: function(){
              functionOne(); // this doesn't work

When I am calling functionOne within a callback function from within functionTwo, functionOne is undefined. How can I call functionOne from withint the callback function of the rotate function (belongs to a plugin I use)?


  • You could try setting the object you're returning to a variable first, and then referencing that:

    var obj = (function(){
        var o = {
            functionOne: function(){
            functionTwo: function(){
                    callback: function(){
       return o;
    obj.functionTwo(); // logs "functionOne"

    You could also use something like:

    var o;
    return o = {

    Both ways do the same thing; which one you want to use is a matter of personal preference and how readable you think they are.