I am planning to log all the SQL Queries that were passed from ADOConnection to SQL Server.
I found this How can I monitor the SQL commands send over my ADO connection? and able to log all the queries.
But I also want to log query components (dataset's) name. I tried below code but Command.Name
is returning blank.
const cXmlDBOPStart = '<DBOP>';
const cXmlDBOPClose = '</DBOP>';
const cXmlStartTimeStart = '<StartTime>';
const cXmlStartTimeClose = '</StartTime>';
const cXmlQueryStart = '<Query>';
const cXmlQueryClose = '</Query>';
procedure TdtmAdo.adoRover_DataWillExecute(Connection: TADOConnection;
var CommandText: WideString; var CursorType: TCursorType;
var LockType: TADOLockType; var CommandType: TCommandType;
var ExecuteOptions: TExecuteOptions; var EventStatus: TEventStatus;
const Command: _Command; const Recordset: _Recordset);
myFile : TextFile;
AssignFile(myFile, 'E:\SQLLog.txt');
WriteLn(myFile, cXmlDBOPStart);
WriteLn(myFile, Command.Name);
WriteLn(myFile, cXmlStartTimeStart
+ FormatDateTime('DD/MM/YYYY HH:NN:SS.ZZZ',Now)
+ cXmlStartTimeClose);
WriteLn(myFile, cXmlQueryStart + CommandText + cXmlQueryClose);
WriteLn(myFile, cXmlDBOPClose);
Is there any way to fetch the query name.
TLama's is a good suggestion. In a similar vein, this is a little more direct:
Add some variables to your event handler:
I : Integer;
ADataSet : TDataSet;
ADataSetName : String;
Then, add this before your AssignFile()
ADataSet := Nil;
for I := 0 to Connection.DataSetCount - 1 do begin
if Connection.DataSets[I] is TCustomAdoDataSet then
if TCustomAdoDataset(Connection.DataSets[I]).Recordset = RecordSet then
ADataSet := Connection.DataSets[I];
if ADataSet <> Nil then
ADataSetName := ADataSet.Name
ADataSetName := '';
It works because TAdoConnection calls
procedure TCustomConnection.RegisterClient
when a TDataSet with a connection property has the property's value set to the connection.
(Tested with D7, Win7 64-bit and TAdoQuery and TAdoDatasets)