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How do I write a Capybara assertion that checks for the presence of a button and its enabled or disabled state?

I have an app that enables/disables buttons in response to things that happen in the UI.

I can easily use capybara to detect if a button exists

should have_button 'save'

but I have no idea how to verify the state of the save button. That is:

How do I write a Capybara assertion that checks for the presence of a button and its enabled or disabled state?

I have hacked together a check for a disabled button; for enabled, I suppose that I could verify that there is a matching button and that there is no matching disabled button. But this, to say the least, is clunky.

This seems like such a fundamental UI check, that I am sure that I have missed something, but I can't seem to figure out what.

Follow up based on gregates's answer:

As I mentioned in the comment, the Capybara behavior is dependent upon the underlying driver. We are using webkit, and it returns "true"/"false" string results. Apparently, other drivers return true/false. The folks at Capybara are aware of the issue (, but they feel (probably correctly) that it isn't really their issue to resolve.

Rather than have my tests depend upon the driver I am using, I ended up creating a custom matcher:

RSpec::Matchers.define :be_enabled do
  match do |actual|
    driver_result = actual[:disabled]
    # nil, false, or "false" will all satisfy this matcher
    (driver_result.nil? || driver_result == false || driver_result == "false").should be_true

RSpec::Matchers.define :be_disabled do
  match do |actual|
    driver_result = actual[:disabled]
    (driver_result == "disabled" || driver_result == true || driver_result == "true").should be_true

Then you can type:

user_license_area.find_button('Save').should be_disabled


  • It appears that Capybara's handling of disabled elements has changed, so I figured I'd give an update.

    To test whether a page has a button and is enabled, use:

    expect(page).to have_button('Save')

    To test whether a page has a button and is disabled, use:

    expect(page).to have_button('Save', disabled: true)

    This format works with has_field?, find_field, etc.

    You can read more on this update at


    The old link is broken. This is the GitHub issue where the feature was discussed and this is the unfortunately barren documentation for the method.