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Validating a part of request in DataPower

I have WSDL which can be used to validate complete XML and part of XMLs


     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>
     <Part> .. </part>

I have configured validation action which is validating complete and throwing as one or more part is having invalid data.

Requirement is : I have to validate only the part in the above request and remove invalid part before sending to backend.

Any help??


  • This can be done by using extension element / function in the XSLT.


    <xsl:template match=Request>
    <xsl:for-each select="Part">
     <xsl:if test="dp:schema-validate($schema,.) !=''">
       <xsl:copy-of select="."/> 

    schema-validate() : Performs a schema validation.
    Namespace declaration : xmlns:dp=""

    Syntax :dp:schema-validate(schema, nodeset)

    Parameters : schema : (xs:string) Identifies the XSD schema to perform the validation. nodeset:(xs:node-set) Identifies the node set that contains the XML content to validate. All arguments are passed as XPath expressions.

    Results :the validated node set.

    Please refer to this link for more info on Extension elements and Functions.