I have a stored proc that has a merge .. into statement. I am trying to get the value of the primary key out of the stored proc.
SET @NewCompanyID = @CompanyID
merge company as c
using ( select @CompanyID) as compAlt (company_id )
on compAlt.company_id = c.company_id
when matched
update set ....
when not matched
insert ... ;
SET @NewCompanyID = @@identity;
If the merge statement runs the update, i want to set @NewCompanyID to whatever value was passed into the stored proc (@CompanyID). If the insert statement was executed, then I want to pass the @@identity. How do I do this?
I added before merge into
DECLARE @SummaryOfChanges TABLE(Change VARCHAR(20));
OUTPUT $action INTO @SummaryOfChanges;
SELECT @Change = Change
FROM @SummaryOfChanges; /* there is always one update or insert */
IF @Change = 'INSERT'
This worked fine.