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Deriving streambuf or basic_ostringstream?

I want to derive a stringstream so that I can use the operator<< to construct a message which will then be thrown. The API would look like:

error("some text") << " more text " << 42 << std::endl;

This should do a

throw "some text more text 42"

So what I did is make an errorbuf (inheriting from streambuf) which overloads the 'overflow' method and then create an ostream(&errorbuf). I wonder if I shouldn't instead inherit from basic_ostringstream or something...


  • I'll trot out my favourite macro again here:

    #define ATHROW( msg )                                               \
    {                                                                   \
        std::ostringstream os;                                          \
        os << msg;                                                      \
        throw ALib::Exception( os.str(), __LINE__, __FILE__ );          \
    }                                                                   \

    In use:

    ATHROW( "Invalid value: " << x << " should be " << 42 );

    the exception type is from my own library, but I think you get the idea. This is much simpler than deriving your own stream class, and avoids lots of nasty complications with op<<().