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ant xmltask node if

my new problem is an if condition tags .

In fact, I can not get into the condition 'then' when "param" is 0.

<xmltask source="rapport.xml">                                      
    <call path="//testsuites">
        <param name="chaine" path="@name"/>
        <param name="testsuite1" path="testsuite[1]/@name"/>
        <param name="testsuite2" path="testsuite[2]/@name"/>                                
        <param name="ko1" path="count(testsuite[1]/testcase/failure[@type='ko'])"/>
            <echo message="count fichiers ko 1 : @{ko1}"/>
                <equals arg1="${ko1}" arg2="0" />
                    <echo message="OK"/>
                    <echo message="KO"/>                            

Why I can not get into the "then" condition, but only in "else" while "arg1" = 0 ?

The rapport.xml is :

<testsuites name="COMPTES" tests="6" time="7" timestamp="2014-07-01T17-20-07" failures="6" errors="0">
    <testsuite name="100" tests="6" failures="6" errors="0" time="7">
        <testcase classname="Script.COMPTES.100" name="TEST1" time="1">
            <failure message="Not exist file or counter or used" type="fichiersInexistants">
                File No matches
        <testcase classname="Script.COMPTES.100" name="TEST2" time="2">
            <failure message="Not exist file or counter or used" type="fichiersUtilises">
                Data set in use
        <testcase classname="Script.COMPTES.100" name="TEST3" time="3">
            <failure message="Not exist file or counter or used" type="fichiersInexistants">
                File No matches
        <testcase classname="Script.COMPTES.100" name="TEST4" time="3">
            <failure message="File abended" type="abended">
                File abended


  • Try using @{ko1} instead of ${ko1} to reference the parameter. If the echo is really printing 0, it should work.

    <echo message="count fichiers ko 1 : @{ko1}"/>
        <equals arg1="@{ko1}" arg2="0" />