Is it possible? The error Only syntatic function types can be generic
suggests it isn't.
Valid Code
func test<T:Equatable>(function: (T) -> T){
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = [function];
Now I want to make a property with the same type as myArray
. I feel like I should be able to do this somehow.
Doesn't work
var myArray:<T:Equatable>(T -> T)[]
Any ideas?
Even this:
func test<T:Equatable>(function: (T) -> T){
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = function;
Shouldn't be valid. You are assigning a T->T
to a Array<T->T>
. It should be at least:
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = [function];
This would work:
class MyClass<T> {
var myArray:(T->T)[] = []
Since you now have a generic MyClass class, to initialise, you need to tell what type T
is, like so:
var x = MyClass<String>()