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Chaining multiple engines (coffeescript and jsx) using Middleman

Using Middleman, how can I chain multiple file extensions for processing by multiple engines?

Middleman handles CoffeeScript out of the box, and I have gem middleman-react in my Gemfile and activate :react in my config.rb.

Processing regular jsx files like my_file.js.jsx works fine, but I want to have a file like, which isn't working.

It's parsed correctly as CoffeeScript, but is then not parsed as jsx.

Here's some sample output:

BoardRow = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
      return <tr className='row'>{this.props.intersections}</tr>;

Based on this post it looks like this kind of thing should be possible.


  • It turns out that the magic jsx comment was malformed in my CoffeeScript file, so the parser was skipping it.

    Make sure your CoffeeScript file starts with:

    ###* @jsx React.DOM ###