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flowpayer not working on android device. (Flash version 10,1 or greater is required)

I am using flowplayer 3.2.12 version.

Everything works great on all browser, devices except android devices.

When testing on android device, i get a message and the player does not work:

"**Flash version 10, 1 or greater is required**

**You have no flash plugin installed**

**Click here to download latest version**"

This message appears on all the android device and I have been referring all the flowplayer related documents, but in vein.

As per this flowplayer documentation , i tried setting xpressInstall to null which did not work either.

For example you can check this video on an android device

Has anyone had luck with any solution for this flowplayer - android issue.

Thanks in advance.


  • Found a fix for the issue with android devices and it is tested, works perfectly fine on all devices.

    The key thing is to add the android/i navigator.userAgent after set up script for flowplayer:

    ipad({simulateiDevice: /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)});

    Setup with the device fix:

    $(document).ready(function() {
            $f("player", {
                src: "/PATH/TO/FLOWPLAYER/flowplayer.commercial-3.2.10.swf",
                wmode: 'opaque'
            }, {
                key: '#$09ce03a35b17ee17229'
            }).ipad({ simulateiDevice: true, controls: false });
        else {
            $f("player", {
                src: "/PATH/TO/FLOWPLAYER/flowplayer.commercial-3.2.10.swf",
                wmode: 'opaque'
            }, {
                key: '#$09ce03a35b17ee17229'
            }).ipad({simulateiDevice: /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)});